Fave Bosco Quotes
"You know you can be a real jerk, you know that?" - Faith
"But you love me anyway right? Huh? Right?" - Bosco
"Ma'am, did you call us all the way up here to turn off your kid's Nintendo?"-Faith
"Playstation. It's a Playstation." - Bosco
"Aw, great, I get to spend the day riding around with a totem pole." - Bosco about Ty's borish behaivor.
"You want some gum?" - Bosco to Ty, about his borish behavior.
"Oh my God! Jimmy!" - Kim while necking Bosco.
"Did you just call me Jimmy?" - Bosco
"He hasn't had sex in decades. He needs time to recover." - Bosco, concerning Sully.
"What are you doing here?" - Carlos
"You mean this isn't jazz-ersize class?" - Bosco, at compassion therapy.
"You've done this before?" - Carlos
"I practically have reserved parking." - Bosco
"You can beat a dog and make him stay, but it's fear, not respect." - Sully
"Who cares, as long as it's too frightened to bite." - Bosco
"Oh yeah, like you'd be delighted if everyone thought you were a lesbian." - Bosco
"I'm a female cop. Everyone assumes I'm a lesbian." - Grace, an extra cop
"She's (Faith's daughter) gonna have great legs...If I were 12, I'd do her." - Bosco
"Now it just smells like somebody took a dump in a pine forest." - Bosco, after a homeless man went to the bathroom in the police car.
"There's not a damn thing wrong with the way I walk." - Bosco after Bobby asked him if he'd hurt his hip.
"Could it be your self absorbed?"- Faith
Pause. "No, that's not it." - Bosco
"You blow chunks in the car, you're cleaning it up. You hear me?" - Bosco
"And they say you aren't compassionate." - Faith
"Who does?" - Bosco
"I'm going to kick your ass. How about that huh?"- Bosco talking to the typewriter.
"No you drive I shoot anybody who gets in your way!"- Bosco
"The world still needs heroes!" - Nicole
"Yeah, or someone to clean up the mess. I guess I will always have a job." - Bosco
"It's me, Faith. It's me. I'm not just anybody!" - Bosco
"Good luck." - Faith
"I don't believe in luck." - Bos
"Then be careful." - Faith
"Lighten' up Mommy. I'll ride with Sul." - Bos
"Mommy!? How do you put up with that?!" - Sully
"It's an acquired taste." - Faith
"If you need me, I'll be keeping a lid on the garbage." - Bos
"Shhhh. You had me at ducking." - Bos
"Why me, Bosco? Why is it always me?" - Faith
"Because you're the only one. Faith ... I don't have anyone else." - Bos
"Earlier with me wanting us to get our stories straight. I didn't say it right. I'm your partner. I was there for you. I'll always be there for you. That's all I was trying to say." - Bos to Faith
"You don't think I can handle this?" - Bosco
"No, I don't think you should have to handle it alone." - Faith
"I wasn't alone until you did this." - Bosco
"I've been cleared for duty." - Bos
"Yeah? That's great." - Fiath
"I'm just checking out my gear... So how's it been?" - Bos
"Oh, you know, just 7 hours of complete boredom mixed with one hour of sheer terror." - Faith
"Yeah? I miss it." - Bos
"How could you not." - Faith
"So I talked to the boss. He wanted to know if you and I would be hooking back up." - Bos
"Absolutely." - Faith
"Good... That's good because... That's good because..." - Bos, fiddling with his gear.
"Yeah, me too." - Faith
"So what, I'll see you tomorrow?" - Bos
"With bells on." - Faith
"What the hell does that mean, 'With bells on?!'" - Bos
"We were just interrogating him, and then he goes all epileptic on us!" - Bos
"Greetings. This is not God, this is his close friend, Officer Boscorelli." - Bos
"If you're going to peek in windows pal, you better do something about your clothes." - Bos
"Oh now you're going to disparage my attire? Oh wait, I'm sorry I forgot, I'm talking to cops I better explain what disparage means!" - Clown
"Waffle?" - Bos to Faith
"Don't bother." - Faith
"When you probably got what? A good two, three months of high school between ya?" - Clown
"Ignore him." - Faith to Bos
"Oh you tell him sir! Oh my god, you're a woman! I'm sorry with those broad shoulders and mustache I got kind of thrown off." - Clown
"Waffle?" - Bos to Faith
"Oh absolutely! Watch out for that dog!" - Faith
"You carry a back up piece?" - Bos to Ty
"No." - Ty
"Get one. I have a Smith Airweight in an ankle holster on my left leg." - Bos
"Airweight. Matches your head." - Sully
"You jealous Sullivan?" - Bos
"Of your extra guns? If you fall over you'll explode!" - Sully
"Okay, so what happens next? You guys unzip I get a tape measurer?" - Faith
"Won't take much more than a kiddie ruler for Bosco." - Sully
"You’re sitting on Liberty! You’re sitting on Liberty!" - Bos, in regards to psycho lady's imaginary dog
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