In addition...
As a continuance of my last blog...just cause it's the same day...first - I'm finally finishing up the last of the cheesies from Nikki's b-day - the huge dog bag like thing of cheesies - they are a little stale but still have the same quality.
second - I've had a very nice nite - quite relaxing - I watched the movie Closer...interesting and dont' know how highly I recommend it to people. I'm almost done my book - I knew crazy speedy right?? When I want to read - I can lol. it's been very good - and I do highly recommend it to people.
On closer examination aka after all the reddness went away... my poor hands and wrists are all bashed up from trying to move my monster of a desk...bastard desk.
and just for a little added bonus...we had chinese food for dinner...yum yum!! lol
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