Thursday, June 12, 2008

Nikki's Adventures in Employment

Yeah i'm copying linds, she's smarter and funnier than me..

Wake up at 7:30. Every other day i wake up at a different time.Tomorrow it will be 7:50, which means i'll be rushed for breakfast.

Shower, get changed, do my hair and make up...minimal at best.
eat breakfast, All Bran cereal with strawberries.
check the internet, with Crossing Jordon in the background.
Brush teeth, put belt on, grab my gym bag though i'm not going to the gym, lunch bag and go.
Get to the car, and realize i've forgotten my lunch bag on the microwave and go back upstairs.
Get to work at the same time every single day 8:49. I'm that good.
Get to work.
This usually consists of emails to Linds and Ashleigh to get my day going. My day will go to shit if either one is gone.
Work work work work.
Pee at 10:40-11:00.
Have a snack while working.
Lunch, every day from 12:30-1:30.
Banking time at 1:30. Where I realize that apparently a law has been passed to make red lights on Exmouth Street and Stop Signs are optional.
Do the banking, hit up starbucks because i have no willpower, and lots of money to spend.
Come back to work where the real fun begins.
Internet goes down, and server screws up and a report is lost. Can't get it back, no clue what happened. This happens whenever Paul leaves for a day or so. As well our accounting program is not working and we were one month away from having the year end complete which is already due by the way.
and now i sit here blogging b/c if i don't i'll hit something, which will hurt me..and not the thing i've abused. Things could be worse, but still sucks lol

and there's a run down of what my days are like.

I can tell you know what my evening fun contains. Grocery shopping strictly for meat. bc i can't be left alone in a grocery store roaming the aisles. I buy bad stuff.
Go home, do laundry and go for a nice walk while laundry is being done. Go upstairs eat dinner and hopefully bed time early tonight but i've been saying it for two months lol


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