Monday, June 09, 2008

The Truth about Linds

It's been since January 2007 since we've posted. It's not like our lives are so frigging exciting that we can't type it out. Linds and I are chaulk full of great stories. But as it turns out, they're only funny to us. which is all that matters IMHO..yeah i used an acronym..i mock people for using them but oh well. Anyways, Linds can't figure out how to get on here since they changed everything to Google. So I figured this was my chance to write some truths about Linds...

1. She has called me fat and ugly many a times, and we're still friends. One need only recall the "i'm the looks of this operation" statement the day we were getting signatures for Save Darfur and I asked her if she wasnted to speak to the people at the next house. As well, Jaclyn and Linds were discussing how Star Jones didn't look pretty since she lost all that weight, Linds commented that she wasn't Ugly Fat, than ever so slowly looked at me. lol Not to mention the day my ass broke through a chair, she just laughed in my face.....for years to come...

2. She assaults animals..not in a bad way, but i guess there's no good way. She threw things at my rabbit.

3. She throws things at people in point...a spatula covered in lasagne was thrust upon my new white cords at Kim's wedding shower.

4. There is no one..i repeat NO ONE who is out of bounds for lindsay's taunt..she will mock your accent if you declare "ARE YOUR KIDS ADD OR ADHD?!"

5. She'll help you put furniture together, but than put it together backwards so when you sit on your kitchen chair you just slide off.

6. She won't let you yell at people that you recognize at a restaurant.

7. If you bark at her, she'll get offended.

8. Um..if you don't touch her she'll try and kick you in the face. Than deny it and blame it on you.

9. She sleeps like dead people sleep. with little or no breathing...and if a boat honks it will scare her awake..she's pretty touchy in her sleep lol

To Be Continued.......


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