Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Pic of the crazazy ass storm outside my window. the tree is like 15 feet from my door and you can barely see it.

Last night had a fantastic dinner at Coffee Culture with brooke. had margherita chicken. came home..had some popcorn watched Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares, went to bed. Woke up at 1:30 and well..didn't stop harfing for several hours...than had to call into work and ask if i could come in to work a few hours later. Obviously I didn't get the point across it was because I was sick to my stomach all night. Paul thought i was up late and just coming in to work late.....and he didn't mind! lol though i set the record straight at the end of the very long day i still managed to put in. This business development never ends.
and now..i'm doing nothing, the story of my life...ate my awesome pork chops...out did myself this time, and that's it. and tomorrow it's off to the gym for some double time to make up for today...
and Linds..thanks for the phone message explaining what happens at the end of 13 going on 30.
P.s..the 10th, was the day i decided to actually stop eating crap lol


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