Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What's new??

Um, nothing much on my part..except for my exciting experiene getting my taxes done by Uni's brother...despite the fact he didn't actually have a Uni..lol..it looked like he shaved his off...but his coke bottle glasses were very entertaining for me..lol and he smelled...this is the kind of guys i bring in..that and the weird hunchback at the cafe down the street...who chats me up everytime i go in there..lol i'm beginning to think rasperberry italian sodas just aren't worth it!!!

So i bought a new bed on the weekend..lol decided to through down 1,100.00 on this thing..lol but it's about time I got a big girl bed....can't wait....and i finally finished watching the entire season of Dead Like Me..which was a hoot

Anyways the boss is on vacation and he gave me a tape of dictation..lol despite the fact i don't htink he checked to make sure the dictation actually worked before he left..now i'm stuck with nothing!!!

and i thorougly enjoyed the previous blog about student's essays...god they were creative..lol the best i could do was use words that i wwas not too sure off and stick them in a sentence...and 9 times outta 10 it was used wrong anyways!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Analogies and Metaphores

My brother brought home this newspaper article that was all about strange analogies and metaphores that high school students have actually used in their papers...I laughed at some so I thought I would share some of the best ones...

She grew on him like she was a colony of E. Cloi and he was room temperature Canadian beef.

She had a deep, throaty, genuine laugh, like the sound a dog makes just before it throws up.

He was as tall as a six foot three inch tree.

The revelation that his marriage of 30 years was over because if his wife's infidelity came as a rude shock, like a surcharge at a formerly surcharge-free ATM.

From teh attic came an unearthly howl. THe whole scene had an eeire surreal qaulity, like when you're in another city and Jeopardy! come on at 7pm instead of 7:30.

Her hair glistened in the rain like a nose hair after a sneeze.

Long separated by cruel fate, the star-crossed lovers raced across the grassy field toward each other like two frieght trains, one having left Cleveland at 6:36pm travelling at 55mph, the other from Topeka at 4:19pm at a speed of 35mph.

Even in his last years, Grandpappy had a mind like a steel trap, only one that had been left out so long, it had rusted shut.

The plan was simple like my brother-in-law Phil. But unlike Phil, this plan just might work.

The young fighter had a hungry look, the kind you get from not eating for a while.

The ballerina rose gracefully en pointe and extended one slender le behind her, like a dog at a fire hydrant.

It was an American tradition, like fathers chasing kids around with power tools

He was deeply in love. When she spoke, he thought he heard bells, as if she were a garbage truck backing up. (LOL!!)

I Heart Bobert.

Lol so I emailed Bob today telling him how unemployed I am and he emailed me right back in pure Bobert fashion and told me to come in and see him and he would see what he could do. He also however forwarded my email to douchebag. lol and we all remember who that is right?? lol - so I may have some interesting stories about Diana in the near future!! haha

Hmm let's see - I went to my counsellor this morning - and she was very nice - but she enrolled me in a class...it's partly my fault - I wasn't really listening to what she was saying (I was reading something) and then before I know it she said - good so I'll sign u up...I'm like - what? lol - but it's not until April 3 - so that's the deadline to find a job so I don't have to go to this class lol - although I'm sure it would be beneficial to me...I still don't want to do it.

I even went to see Doug this morning (lawyer I used to work for...) just to remind him that I exist. lol - he told me to send him my resume and he'll keep me in mind...

I'm also making a new resume...ooo fun times.

Hmm I think that is all for now...chat later.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Slacking slacking slacking

Well i agree you need professional help....lol i think that's a good start! Most people won't do that...

I got dial up again on the weekend..lol but i've only been on it once since saturday...mostly cause i'm too lazy to wait for it to dial up...load up and than do nothing for hours on end...

I've got nothing new to report..except my exciting giggle fest with a hot cop on friday morning when i was drunk...i went to bed that night at like 5 in the morning...which it's been a long time since that's happened

well..since i've got nothing new to report (it's snowing out here..yay) i'm gonna go until something exciting happens..talk to you in a few months!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Seeking Professional Help...

Career counselling that is - I'm not quite in need of a psychologist yet lol. I called them today and set up an appointment - so I'm gonna go talk to someone next week who will hopefully give me some direction and whatnot. Let's keep our fingers crossed for me lol - cause I can't be unemployed too much longer!! Howver - because I am unemployed - all this is gonna be free....sweet deal lol.

Hmm other than that not a whole lot going on - we got another snow storm last nite and we're supposed to get some freezing rain tonite...whooo should be fun!

But yeah - I think that catches me up lol.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I'm Special.

So I basically blogged the same thing twice lol...I'm special...so special. lol - sorry about that - I totally forgot about the blog on Friday...I'll keep it in there tho - pulls up our numbers haha.

Family Visits, Break Ins and Games Nite...

So my week was pretty busy with Dan's mom here. But it got a whole lot busier when his brother and Mackenzie got here on Thursday. But all was well and good...until Friday morning when we discovered that Paul's truck got broken into in the middle of the nite. The second time in 6 months our cars have been broken into! But they stole his wallet which had credit cards and such in it - not so good - so it was a hassel to get everything cancelled and all that crap. We took a walk later that day and found most of his stuff scattered on the street - they only took the important cards.

But Friday nite we got all liquored up and played games - it was fun times - but I passed out by like 11:30 lol - yup I'm a trooper lol Sat nite found us at another games nite - this time with my friends and it was much fun - we played Cranium, pool and nintendo - very fun - lots of laughs!

And there u have my weekend!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Insert Clever Blog Title Here

So there's not too much going on around here - lots of company - Dan's whole family is here visiting - so there's 7 of us in the house - it's been very busy.

Our cars got broken into AGAIN last nite - luckly mine was locked so they couldn't get into it - which is good being as I left my cd player and a bunch of cd's scattered across the seat...but unfortunatly Dan's brother didn't lock his truck and his wallet got stolen - so that really sucks and put everyone in a bad mood today.

We went to Oshawa on Wednesday to go shopping and I spent way too much money lol - I got a new hoodie, a new sweater and a couple cds - which isn't that bad - but when ur not making any money it's usually not a good thing to be spending it lol.

Speaking of not making any money - still no luck on the job front....I'm getting beyond frustrated and discouraged. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do.

But other than that not much news to share. So Until next time....

Monday, February 06, 2006

Tiny Correction

I lived up to the weedy booze part of my name - not so much the whore part and not for lack of trying lol - just kidding!! But yes - my parents went away for the weekend and the winter storm was bad so no one was coming out in it - so my brother and I hung out and got into some stuff - but it was fun times! lol

Not a whole lot going on tho - I've gotta take Dan's mom out shopping this afternoon - shes here visiting for a week and both Dan and my mom are at work and since I'm unemployed I get to hang out with her. Which isn't all that bad - but u know.

Glad to hear that Kim's reading the blog! It's ever so exciting!! :D

This one's for kim

since she's the only other person who reads this besides me and linds....I wanted to make fun of you for losing the tax receipts..mostly cause you were "ms. organized" and were making fun of me everyday since you met me..lol about my organizational skills...so i felt slightly better after talking to you...anyways..just chatting with lindsay..she's telling me how she lived up to her "weedy-booze whore" nick name this weekend...i'll tell you more when she spills!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Hang in There!

At least ur busy at work now! (Trying to look on the bright side!) lol and ur done babysitting the brats now too aren't u?? so things are definatly looking up!!

Let's see - what have I done in the past little while - I went to my dad's house for a couple days and hung out with their new puppy - she's only 6 weeks old and she's a Collie mix - ever so cute!! her name is Brie. So instead of job searching - I played with her...lol - oh well - I didn't really wanna work in Oshawa anyways lol

I did however apply for a job in Cobourg that I'm really hoping to hear from - it's with the Legal Aid office there - and the swanky title is "Application Assessment Officer" I just like it cause it has officer in the title lol. But I would get to talk to all the people looking to get legal aid and I could grant it or deny them - sweet. I would even have to go into the jail to talk to some of the people - I think it would be really cool - and pays really well too - so cross ur fingers for me! Deadline was today - so hopefully I'll hear from them next week.

Parents are going away this weekend ...and nothing is going on lol - all my friends are either working, out of town or otherwise busy. Not cool - so I guess I'll be haning out with my brother - unless he has people over - then I'll just watch movies or something lol. Ohhh fun times.

Hope the weekend treats u well!!

Oh my god...

I can't wait until this whole corporation mess is over...i have until tuesday to prepare the reports and update the books of the fifteen companies...cause everyone is gathering together on wednesday in hamilton to sign everything....so now i'm swamped and stressed and confused and i have the lawyer on my back every 10 minutes asking "how's that file going" or "so how are you making out" and "how far are you now?"

anyways i doubt the 5,000 dollar fee he's charging is going towards my bonus!!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Stop it damn you!

Quit taking the good number!!! that' like the fifth time since i moved home that you've taken the good blogs...

I remember my old year books filled with crap from people i don't like lol....all of them signed "best buds forever" lol and I'm not even on speaking terms with most of those people..

another fun babysitting story..i called the kids at 4:15 yesterday and spoke to matt (9) and told him sternly NO GAMES..matt whined and asked why and i said wait till i get there...so i get there and walk into their rooms and they are playing games..and they have a friend over..no attempt whatsoever to hide the fact that they were playing games.....and i told matt "what are you doing? i said No games" and matt's like "no you didn't" and i said "you argued with me over the phone about it" and he said "oh...i forget..oops" so i said "oh well you're friends going home and no games for the week...ooops"

little bastards...

anyways nothing interesting going on at work...there's this huge file from a multi-million dollar company with 15 other companies branching off of it...and it's canada wide...so i have been informed that i have to get their minute books up to date...and come up with a binder with all the crap they have to sign still..and get reports ready for each company.....so it's been hectic but the boss is gone for the after noon so it's slacking time..obviously....since i'm blogging!